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Independent Projects

Mask & Photo: Alfredo Iriate


A slow-cook exploration of mask, voice, technology & the Nurse supported an Arts Council England Develop Your Creative Practice grant. More to come...


Above: bespoke mask based on nursing theorist Virginia Henderson, author of the seminal essay 'The Nature of Nursing' designed and built by Alfredo Iriate. 


Collaborators & Tutors:

Maria Eugenio 

Dominic Biddle

Meg Brooks

Jules Craig

Anna-Helena McLean

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A one woman show about unanswerable questions and anxiety and depression, set in a radio station of the mind.


Supported by Camden People's Theatre, Arts Council England, Bristol Ferment, Somerset Take Arts, Touring Network


Written and performed by Pip Hambly

With direction from Cath Johnson/ Simon Day/ Alex Parsonage

Sound Design by Chris Prosho 



A collaboration with art writer and critic Samantha Jayne Williams. An exploration of murderesses and mystics, female masks, the body as archive, through the myths of the Finnish national epic The Kalevala.


Supported and made possible through a Kone Foundation fellowship, a two month residency on an archipelago in South-west Finland. 

image: Yael Biran

The Pain & Strife...

A solo clown show about power, imperialism, war, men on plinths, and saving the world.  


Created and written by Philippa Hambly


Directed by Inda Pereda


Presented in Camden Fringe 2015

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A Witness Statement

An evening of poetry, photography, sculpture and talks for and about Palestine. In 2014 I ran the Right To Movement marathon in Palestine - just a tourist, joining a protest...


Curated by Philippa Hambly

With: Munir Waked/ Naomi Foyle/ Mo'min Swaitat


Thanks to Trispace Gallery, London and Amos Trust.



An initial process of research and development following completion of the certificate programme at LISPA. 


Supported by Canada Water Culture Space's Emerging Artist Programme

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